To:      Overview & Scrutiny Commission

19 February 2020



Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme Progress

Statutory Scrutiny Officer

1          Purpose of Report

1.1       This report updates the Overview & Scrutiny Commission on work programme progress, considers the impact of any emerging issues and proposed changes.

2          Recommendation

2.1       That the Commission considers any proposed changes to the four-year work programme.

3          Reasons for Recommendation

3.1       To make sure that the overview & scrutiny work programme remain fits for purpose. This includes the scope and timing for all scrutiny activities aligned to the Council Plan as well as responding to emerging and urgent short-term issues.

4          Alternative Options Considered

4.1       None.

5          Supporting Information

            Work Programming

5.1       One of the Overview & Scrutiny Commission’s key roles is to undertake focussed work programming in order to ensure that scrutiny activity contributes effectively to the Council Plan objectives. A four-year work programme was agreed on 5 November 2019 and is attached at Appendix A.

5.2       A Member, officer or member of the public can suggest a topic for inclusion in the work programme.  A proforma has been developed by the overview & scrutiny team in consultation with the Commission chairman that aims to capture all the information the Commission would require to determine whether to agree items for the work programme and, if so, their priority.  The team will support completion of the form.  It is intended that the form will be available online.

5.3       The Commission may decide to amend the work programme to incorporate the new piece of work taking into account the impact on any other scrutiny work. Currently no new requests have been developed for consideration by the Commission.

            Panel Activity Updates

5.4       The Panel Chairmen are required to report progress for each of their reviews at Commission meetings and to seek the Commission’s agreement to make changes to the scope of the work and/or to the deadline for the final report to the Commission.  In agreeing to any extensions for completion of the work, the Commission should take into account the impact on other scrutiny activity.


5.5       A progress report is attached at Appendix B which includes no amendment proposals.


7          Consultation and Other Considerations

Legal Advice

7.1       There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Financial Advice

7.2       There are no financial implications arising from this report.

Other Consultation Responses

7.3       These are included in this report.

Equalities Impact Assessment

7.4       Not required for this report.

Strategic Risk Management Issues

7.5       Effective scrutiny is important to the successful functioning of local democracy by securing the efficient delivery of Council services and driving improvements.  A robust work programme is essential in order to ensure that overview and scrutiny activity contributes successfully to the work of the Council.  Poor scrutiny can be indicative of wider governance, leadership and/or service failure. 

Background Papers




Appendix A – Current work programme as agreed 5 November 2019

Appendix B – Overview & Scrutiny Work Programme Progress report



Contact for further information

Kevin Gibbs, Statutory Scrutiny Officer


Ann Moore, Democratic & Registration Services - 01344 352260